Class: TogglePointInjection

web-toggle-point-webpack~TogglePointInjection(options) → {external:Webpack.WebpackPluginInstance}

Toggle Point Injection Plugin


new TogglePointInjection(options) → {external:Webpack.WebpackPluginInstance}

Create a Plugin that injects toggle points into a Webpack build
Name Type Description
options object plugin options
Name Type Attributes Description
pointCuts Array.<object> toggle point point cut configuration, with target toggle point code as advice. The first matching point cut will be used
Name Type Attributes Default Description
name string name to describe the nature of the point cut, for clarity in logs and dev tools etc.
togglePointModule string path, from root of the compilation, of where the toggle point sits. Or a resolvable node_module.
variantGlob object <optional>
.\/**\/__variants__/*\/*\/!(*.test).{js,jsx,ts,tsx} Globs to identified variant modules. The plugin uses fast-glob under the hood, so supports any glob that it does.
joinPointResolver function <optional>
(variantPath) => path.posix.resolve(variantPath, "../../../..", path.basename(variantPath)) A function that takes the path to a variant module and returns a join point / base module. N.B. This is executed at build-time, so cannot use run-time context. It should use posix path segments, so on Windows be sure to use path.posix.resolve.
pointsCuts[].toggleHandler string <optional>
Path to a toggle handler that unpicks a require.context containing potential variants, passing that plus a joint point module to a toggle point function. If not provided, the plugin will use a default handler that processes folder names into a tree held in a Map. Leaf nodes of the tree are the variant modules.
webpackNormalModule function <optional>
A function that returns the Webpack NormalModule class. This is required for Next.js, as it does not expose the NormalModule class directly

N.B. forward slashes are escaped in the glob, due to JSDoc shortcomings, but in reality should be un-escaped

const plugin = new TogglePointInjection({
  pointCuts: [
      togglePointModule: "/withToggledHook",
      variantGlob: "./**\/__variants__/*\/*\/use!(*.test).{ts,tsx}"
      togglePointModule: "/withTogglePoint",
      variantGlob: "./**\/!(use*|*.test).{ts,tsx}"
const webPackConfig = {
  plugins: [plugin]